Abstract Submission

Thank you, abstract submission is over.


About Abstracts

Abstracts must be submitted electronically. The deadline for abstract submission is June 1 June 25, 2008.

You may be the first author/presenter of only one original research presentation.

Requests for abstract withdrawal must be made in writing by fax (+1-508-856-5463) or by email by June 1 June 25, 2008.

At least ten of the best abstracts, as judged by the organizing committee, will be selected for oral presentation. Students and post-docs who are first authors of their abstracts will be given priority for oral presentation.

It is solely the authors' responsibility to abide by standard regulations for animal care and use, as well as to abide by regulations for use of human subjects. All named authors share this responsibility and submission of the abstract confirms acceptance of this responsibility.


Abstract Submission Instructions

  1. Go to abstract submission form page. Form will pop-up in an external window.
  2. Fill out required information.
  3. Enter the title of the abstract. (See below)
  4. Enter the authors information. (See below)
  5. Enter the institutions abstract authors affiliated with. (See below)
  6. Paste your abstract in the body section of the form. (See below)
  7. Note that the individual submitting the abstract is considered to be the presenter. All trainees (students and postdocs) must include the name of their PI/ labhead in the indicated box. It is understood that the named advisor has approved the abstract content.
  8. Abstracts should be pasted to the abstract submission form.
  9. We encourage the use of the FASEB format for all abstracts. The FASEB format has four sections: title, authors, institutions and the body of the abstract. A sample abstract is available below.
  10. There is no limit to the length of each section; however, the total of all four sections (title, author, institution and body) must not exceed 1850 characters.
  11. Please check the relevant box if you would like to be considered for an oral presentation. If you are not selected for an oral presentation, you will be assigned a poster.
  12. Late abstracts may be submitted at anytime. Of course, we will make every effort to publish them in the abstract book, but we make no guarantees. They will become part of the electronic record.
  13. Please proofread your abstract carefully before submission. Our staff cannot make any changes or corrections to abstracts and there is no online revision available.


Sample Abstract


Douglas T. Golenbock1, Shizuo Akira2, and Bruce Beutler3

1Department of Internal Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA, USA, 2Department of Host Defense, Research Institute for microbial Diseases, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, 3Department of Immunology, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, USA.

The abstract contains 4 sections: title, authors, institutions, and body. The length of all 4 sections should not exceed 1850 characters in total. Greek symbols should be transferred to the web-based abstract submission window, but other special characters (underline, bold, superscript, etc.) may be lost. Abstracts books will be printed directly from these uploads. No other file types will be accepted. Please proof read your abstracts carefully, as there will be no opportunity to correct them.